
love is all about chemistry.
well, no, this time it's not about love :-).

i'm translating the syllabi of the courses i took at the powerful politecnico di milano from italian to english. i need to do so for my phd candidature in lisbon.
i thought it would be boring and it is, but sometimes it's gratifying: i had no clue i knew so much about chemistry! :-)

general part.
the atom. atomic structure: nucleus and electrons, atomic spectra and energy quantization, quantic theories, ondulatory interpretation, atomic orbitals, shapes and energies of orbitals, electronic configurations.
periodic system: effective nuclear charge, atomic ray, ionization energy,electron affinity, electronegativity, correlation between the properties of the elements and their position in the periodic system.
the chemical bond. molecules: covalent and dative bond, electronegativity, valence bond, lewis' structures, shape and geometry of molecules, polarity of molecules, hybridization, resonance, delocalized orbitals, molecular orbitals. interaction between molecules: hydrogen bond, weak electrostatic bond, introduction to coordination compounds. ionic bond. metallic bond: band theory, conductors and semiconductors.
stechiometry. chemical nomenclature. mass conservation. atomic mass. molecular mass. compound mass. avogadro's number. mole and molar mass. equivalent and equivalent mass. chemical equations. oxidation number. oxido-reductions. balance of reactions. ideal and real gases:
ideal gas' state equation, gaseous mixtures, partial pressures. solution of ionic compounds and molecular compounds. concentration and ways to express it.
chemical thermodynamics. thermodynamic system: state variables and state functions, standard and reference state, energetic variations. first principle: internal energy and work, enthalpy and standard enthalpy, thermochemistry. second principle: spontaneity, reversibility and equilibrium, entropy and disorder, standard entropy and third principle.
free energy and spontaneity of the reactions. standard free energies. maximum usable work.
chemical equilibria. homogeneous equilibria: thermodynamic derivation of the expression of the law of mass action, equilibrium constants and their use, factors that influence the equilibrium (t, p and concentration). heterogeneous equilibria: phases, chemical and physical variables, degrees of freedom, phase rule and its applications.
chemical kinetics. speed of the reactions: measurement of the speed of a reaction, order of reaction and molecularity. factors influencing the speed of reaction, collisional theory and distribution of maxwell-boltzman, activation energy and arrhenius' equations. radical chain reactions.
reaction mechanisms. homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis.
aggregation states. gas state. liquid state. solid state: ionic solids, molecular solids, covalent solids, metallic solids, crystalline reticulated. state transition: vapour pressure, clausius-clapeyron equation, critical temperature and critical pressure, liquidification of gases, state diagrams of monocomponent systems. solutions: solubility, real and ideal solutions, solution energies, enthalpy, entropy, free mixing energy, raoult's law, azeotropes, distillation and related diagrams. colligative properties: lowering of the vapour pressure, ebullioscopy, crioscopy, cooling curves for solutions, eutectic state diagrams, osmotic pressure.
electrolytic solutions. electrolytic dissociation: conductibility of solutions, relation between conductibility and dissociation degree, activity and activity coefficient, colligative properties of electrolytic solutions.
solution equilibria: autodissociation of water, theories on acids and bases (arrhenius,
brönsted, and lewis), dissociation constants for acids and bases, relation between the structure and the strength of acids and bases, amphoterics, ph, ph indicators, saline hydrolysis, solubility product, acid-base titration.
electrochemistry. electrochemical cells: electrode potential, relation between dg and electromotive force, semielements,
nernst equation, scale of the standard potentials, concentration cells, use of the potential values, electrochemical measure of the concentration, cells of practical interest. electrolysis: quantitative aspects, electrolysis potential, overvoltage, applications of hydrolysis, accumulators.
metal corrosion: corrosion mechanisms, protection agains corrosion.

descriptive part
hydrogen. properties and preparation. water: structure.
alkaline metals. general properties. elements' preparation. sodium carbonate. sodic hydrate.
alkaline earth metals. general properties. elements' preparation. calcium oxide and calcium carbonate.
elements of the third group. general properties. aluminium's industrial preparation.
elements of the fourth group. general properties. carbon: allotropic forms. oxygenated compounds. silicon
and silicon dioxide.
elements of the fifth group. general properties. nitrogen. ammonia and its preparation. oxides. nitric acid. phosphorus. phosphoric acid. fertilizer.
elements of the sixth group. general properties. oxygen. sulphur. sulphur's oxides. sulphuric acid and its preparation.
halogens. general properties. chlorine: electrochemical preparation. hydrochloric acid. oxygenated acids of chlorine.
transition elements. generalities. copper: preparation and refination. iron: cast irons, steels.
organic chemistry. chemical and physical characteristics of the organic compounds. hydrocarbons. functional groups.
introduction to natural and artificial polymers.


Anonymous said...

ciao tajone...cavoli con il cambiamento della lingua del sito hai perso pure lo smalto tipico del torbidoblog vecchio stampo... allora sei ufficalmente PHD student? che si dice a Lisbona? ciao ciao

torbidobrodo said...

oh gaffu, non mi fare incazzare, dai...
solo perché tu fai piú fatica a leggere il mio blog non vuol dire che il blog sia peggiorato.

non ho ancora presentato tutti i documenti per il phd, ma ci avviciniamo.

qua a lisboa tutto bene, grazie: ieri son stato al mare, in universitá va tutto bene, domenica vado a leeds con alessio per una conferenza.

ciao, salutami tutti!

come on gaffu, don't make me nervous...
just because it's more difficult for you to read my blog it doesn't mean that the blog got worse.

i didn't turn in all the documentation for the phd yet, but i'm getting closer.

here in lisboa everything's fine: i went to the ocean yesterday, everything is under control at the university, on sunday i'm leaving for leeds with alessio, to attend a conference.

bye, and please say hello to everybody for me.